Where to go when it starts to rain in Prague

12.10.10 12:44

Even such a perfect city like Prague gets sometimes a slight or even a heavy rain which makes people wonder where to spend days like that. You don’t have to wonder any more, we have some really cool tips for you.

Visit a museum

Museums are excellent places to go when the weather decides to be a little naughty. They’re peaceful and it’s very easy to spend a whole day inside of them. In Prague, we have two major museums: the National and the National Technical Museum, and a couple of smaller ones. Let us tell you just a few words about each of the smaller museums, because we will get to introducing you the major ones in detail later on this blog.

the City of Prague Museum

The City of Prague Museum is especially popular for one item now, and that is the precious Langweil’s model of Prague. A must see for people who are able to appreciate beautiful work.

the Lobkowitz Palace

This palace actually belongs to the National Museum but is located in the Prague Castle. It’s used to store items from our deep national history.

the Czech Music Museum

This museum belongs to the National Museum, as well. It is, though, also located somewhere else than on the Wenceslas Square. You can find it in Karmelitska Street and we have talked about it a little bit when we mentioned the Beatles exhibition earlier on this blog.

Prague Public Transport Museum

That’s right! We have a Public Transport Museum in Prague and let me tell you it is beautiful... I wish I lived back then when trams were this pretty...


Not impressed by our museums? Or have you already been to all of them? Are you getting hungry? There’s almost nothing easier than getting some food in Prague. Check our blog post on ice cream and confectioneries. If it’s not the taste for sweets calling you to eat, what about having some traditional Czech food? There are loads of restaurants in the Capital of Czech and there’s no way you won’t find one to give a very good time to your tummy. Don’t you think this restaurants list is pretty rich? :)

Have fun

There are so many other opportunities in Prague how to spend even a rainy day so that you will never forget about it! Try to catch some inspiration in our article about the Aquapalace Prague. That’s where you can spend some wonderful time, indeed. Another possibility would be choosing something on your own! There’s lots of choices to go for an unforgettable interest tour, either to run away from the rain to a different city, or to go have some indoor fun.

Having another idea? Let us know in the comments!


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