USA President, Mr Obama comes to Prague

03.04.09 15:40

USA President, Mr ObamaOn 4 April the President of the United States, Mr Obama will arrive to our city for a visit. If You stay in Prague this beautiful spring weekend, please notice that the Prague Castle will be closed because of the visit, sorry for that. But if You would like to see and hear the President live, You have the possibility on 5th April, when he will have a public speech on Hradcany Square, the event is for free. The gates from Loretánská and Kanovnická will open at 7am but You can be sure to get in only if You arrive earlier:)
For security reasons You will not be let in if You have with yourself one of these items: weapons of any kind, aerosols, packages, thermal or glass containers, umbrellas, animals other than helper/guide dogs, bicycles, coolers, backpacks, laser pointers, structures, any other items determined to be a potential safety hazard

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