Travel tickets in Prague can be bought by cell phone!!

27.11.07 11:31
We have a very practical novelty in Prague. From 22 November, You can buy the 1-hour tickets for the transportation in Prague with your cell phone! You do not have to find out how the vending maschines work, or stay in lines, just SEND AN SMS WITH THE TEXT "DPT" TO THE NUMBER +420 902 06 20 approx 2-5 minutes before You take the bus/tram/metro and You will receive the confirmation from the Prague Public Transport System by sms. The price of the sms will be 20 CZK, from January 26 CZK. You have to keep the sms during your travel and show to the ticket inspector if asked. In case You by chance delete the sms, You can receive a copy from the Prague Public Transport System if You send the text "DPTA" to the number 900 06 06 and wait for the confirmation to be resent.

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