Magic Christmas in Prague

18.11.10 16:33

Autumn is slowly passing by, now it`s time for winter to come and to bring us cold weather and lack of sunny days. However there is so much pleasure in winter! In this time of year everybody can find some magic for himself. Christmas Eve is coming, after it we celebrate New Year. We meet our friends and relatives, wish them all the best in a new year, we smile, we are full of hope and anticipation of a miracle. Why should you spend these holidays in Prague? That is a question i would like to answer in this article.

First of all Prague is a wonderful old city. When you are here you feel like as if you were in a fairy tale. And during this part of the year the city is really full of magic. There are so many ways how to spend this wonderful time in Prague, so I will give you a couple of tips.

First of all you should have a walk through the center of the city starting from the National Museum near Wenceslas Square through Old Town and up to Charles Bridge and Mala Strana district.

While walking down the Wenceslas Square you will notice that all the trees are decorated with chains of little bulbs. All the shops and cafes at Wenceslas Square are bright and shiny now. They welcome you to come in and buy some gifts for your friends and relatives. Don`t forget that just after the Christmas the sale season starts and you can buy a lot of stuff with a big discount.

When you come to the Old Town Square you will see a Christmas market. Here you can buy some souvenirs, pretzels, mulled wine and roasted chestnuts. The atmosphere is incredible. In the corner of the square there is a stage, where every day different concerts and shows are held. And in the center of the square you can find an amazing Christmas tree! It is natural, very tall and well decorated.

After walking through the Charles Bridge you will probably get tired and hungry. In this case I can recommend you to have a dinner at one of two nice restaurants: Kampa Park restaurant and Hergetova Cihelna restaurant. These restaurants are situated in a walking distance from the Charles Bridge at Mala Strana in a Chertovka district on Mala Strana near a small river, which starts from Vltava. The restaurants have wonderful atmosphere, great interiors and delicious menu. Moreover these restaurants offer a special event at Christmas Eve and New Year Eve. You can find the program and prices at our website.

If at midnight of the New Year you are at Wenceslas Square – be aware! The square is full of fireworks, full of smoke, full of screaming and laughing tourists. Everybody is happy smiling, drinking Champaign right in the street, meeting new people and having fun! In the middle of the square there is a special place, where everyone can come with his fireworks and start burning them! So you will be completely amazed by this scene. On the 1st of January at 6:00PM the main fireworks are held at Letna district. However it is well seen from Charles Bridge or St. Vitus Cathedral.

After all these celebrations Prague is slowly getting calm, however there is plenty of things to do in January and February. I will share my tips with you, dear customers, in further articles.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
Mary`s Travel Team.

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