It’s sweet and it’s cold. What is it?

29.07.10 10:20

Summer gives us many arguments for eating what we usually don’t. Well, at least not that much... :) It’s hot out there, which is why one little ice cream treat won’t do any damage at all. As Prague is a perfect place for having an ice cream, let’s go through some really enjoyable opportunities to cool ourselves down from the inside.


In the first place there is the all famous and glorious ice cream and cake heaven called Mysak. Quite delicious flavors and top luxurious interior of the restaurant will make your stop in this place a true pleasure... The prices are on a significantly higher level than at other ice cream makers mentioned in this article – except for the following one...

Häagen Dazs

When discussing the luxury segment, Mysak is not the only top-of-the-line ice cream restaurant in Prague. Häagen Dazs is believed to be the Mercedes among ice cream producers. If ice cream were a kingdom, Häagen Dazs would be the highest peak of the royal palace. :) So good they are. And they do have a selling place in Prague – Karlova Street it is. If you’re a gourmet, flavors like Macadamia Nut Brittle, Dulce de Leche, Mango Sorbet or Summer Berries will surely make you believe you’ve just entered the food heaven...



Also, I have the honor to introduce you a very good quality ice cream place Svetozor in Vodickova Street. Whichever flavor you choose, you can’t make a mistake... The prices are more accessible than in Mysak and the ice cream is truly enjoyable. Some say the ice cream is even better than in Mysak... They have more franchises in Prague (see the given link); make sure you visit at least one of them during your city tours. Believe me: the ice cream there is very, very good...


Very similar quality of ice cream like in Svetozor can be found in the Fruitisimo Ice Cream. Also they have a couple of selling spots. The palette of flavors is extraordinary, as well as it is in case of Svetozor. Don’t hesitate to try exotic flavors or those you have never tried before – it may bring a new experience to your visit in Prague!

Ben & Jerry

Ben & Jerry. Yep, I know. I don’t need to write anything else... But for those who have never heard of them, I will. B&J is a huge worldwide ice cream producer. They’re a fantastic ice cream maker. And yes, they do have their restaurant in Prague, too. And they do have the fresh flavors here, as well as those crazy names for their ice cream like Jamaican Me Crazy Sorbet, Chunky Monkey or Cherry Garcia. So if you are used to them, you don’t necessarily have to get used to any other producers (although it will be a shame if you don’t try ice cream with Czech origins instead)... ;) With all that said, I believe you will have no problem choosing a place that will fulfill your demands in Prague now. If you get to experience some of the restaurants mentioned, give us a feedback in the comments. And if your favorite ice cream is a steak (even after reading this article)... Well, about that another time. :)

Martin Carter Martin Carter web wrote at 12.11.2010 02:04
wow!!!.i love ice cream especially in summer time

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