Grand Restaurant Festival

22.01.11 14:11

During this winter Czech citizens and tourists can visit a couple of super fashionable, luxury restaurants with delightful cuisine for symbolic prices. Thanks to the Grand Restaurant Festival that takes place in 8 cities of the Czech Republic starting from the 15th of January and till the 15th of February all of us have an opportunity to feel like we are the kings having dinner at some beautiful restaurant.

42 different restaurants take part in this festival offering 126 special dishes. The majority of the restaurants are situated in Prague. Among them you can find Art Nouveau at the Prague Municipal House that has luxury interiors with high ceilings and old paintings, SaSaZu – a modern restaurant with Thai food or La Degustation Bohême Bourgeoise – the restaurant that was fully booked even before the sale of the coupons has started.

Every customer has 4 options of the meal:

  • Main course with a soft drink will cost you 250,-CZK
  • Main course with a soft drink + a glass of wine/beer will cost you 300,-CZK
  • 2 courses will cost you 500,-CZK
  • 3 courses including soft drinks + 2 glasses of wine/beer will cost you 600,-CZK – sometimes these guests also participate in special events of the restaurants.

All the restaurants have prepared an offer of 3 different courses, so that each guest could choose something very special to taste. For example at the Art Nouveau restaurants you can try the following meals:

Art Nouveau menu

National / regional specialty
Pork knuckle terrine with pickled vegetables and dressing made of capers and tarragon
Chef's masterpiece
Veal stew with herbs and roasted Breton artichokes, carrot puree with fresh goat cheese
The best food from my mother
Frozen nougat with home-dried fruit in brandy orange, forest fruit sauce

Sasazu menu

Or at SaSaZu you can try:

National / regional specialty
SaSa Crispy Roll:Tuna Salmon roll in nori seaweed with wasabi and black sesame sauce
Chef's masterpiece
Bombay Chicken: Chicken breast marinated in yogurt, garam masala and lime, baked in the oven at 500 degrees, served with roti bread
The best food from my mother
Beef with prawns in red curry sauce: Roast beef and shrimp with coconut curry sauce, peas, basil and a small aubergine. Roast on an open fire and served with rice Buri Bop

When the same festival was held the previous year, about 7055 clients have taken an opportunity to participate in it. All in all they have spent about 7 mil. CZK (approx. 290000,-EUR). And the manager of the festival Pavel Maurer thinks that this time there will be far more people wanting to visit some restaurant. So all you need to do is to visit the website of the festival choose some restaurant you want to visit, what you want to eat and the date! So easy! By the way it may be a good tip for celebrating St. Valentine's Day.

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Music concerts at the end of February
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Grand Restaurant Festival

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