Brussels Flower Carpet in Prague

26.08.10 10:07

You have definitely seen it on the news before. Every other year in August the carpet made out of Belgium’s most beautiful begonias decorates Brussels’ Grand Place Square for a couple of days. Prague is going to have the honor this year to host this botanical miracle for just 2 days, that being September 4-5, 2010. The reason for the occasion is clear: the Belgian EU presidency.

Prague is going to be the 3rd city besides Brussels in the whole world (after Tel Aviv and Warsaw) to offer this carpet to the visitors for a few days. It will be 500 square meters (more than 5000 square feet) large and placed on the Old Town Square.

September 2, the carpet will hit the road in Belgium and one day later, it will be put on the Old Town Square in Prague by a number of volunteers. Even one gardener school in Prague is going to take part in this unique project! These students cover 20 out of the total of 30 people to put the whole picture together. You can visit the official site of the carpet to see what it looks like when it’s being made.

By the way, are you wondering what the picture is going to be? So are we! No, I’m just joking, we know it. :) The Prague’s coat-of-arms (see the picture) and the logo of the European Union are going to be the main parts of it.

If you like flowers or just don’t wanna miss seeing something this spectacular, make sure you write “Prague” using big letters into your diary for the beginning of this year’s September. For further information on the carpet visit its online presentation

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