Beer Spa in Harrachov, Czech Republic

07.11.07 08:32

BEER SPA in Harrachov, Czech RepublicNovelty in the Czech Tourism, in Harrachov - now You can not just drink the famous Czech beer but take a bath in it as well :) Moreover it is said to be quite healthy thing to do - for the heart and blood circulation, and for your mood for sure;)
The latest beer spa which opened in our country in the town Harrachov, uses natural, unfiltered beers called Frantisek a Certak. If You try out this entertainment, You can enjoy the feeling of sitting in a more than 100 litres big, 36 degrees hot bath tub for 20-25 minutes. It relaxes the muscles and joints, warms the body and makes your skin look younger. So try how it works for You! :)

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